respiQ awarded Eurostar grant for COPDetect project
respiQ and consortium partners
We are proud to announce that respiQ have been awarded a Eurostars grant together with Amsterdam UMC and uRoboptics for our COPDetect project. We will join forces to accelerate the development of our AI-enhanced Breathalyser for the prediction of COPD flare-ups, aiming to revolutionize COPD patient care.
We are excited to embarking on this groundbreaking journey alongside our esteemed partners. And look forward to share our experiences and insights along the way.
Thank you to Eureka Network and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) for supporting our work. And thanks to everyone who is helping us on our journey.
Stay tuned for more on this Grant Raising Success.
#AmsterdamUMC #uroboptics #RespiQ #COPDetect #eurekanetwork #Eurostars #digitalhealth #healthcare #medtech #innovationinhealthcare #breathanalyses #COPD