respiQ awarded €4M EIC Pathfinder Challenge Grant
EIC Pathfinder Breathsense consortium: respiQ, Nell-LUMC, Sintef, Kings College London. and uRoboptics.
We are thrilled to announce that respiQ has secured a prestigious €4M EIC Pathfinder Challenge Grant for the BreathSense project, alongside our incredible consortium partners Nell-LUMC, Sintef, Kings College London. and uRoboptics; a distinguished international consortium of renowned academic institutions and medical research organisations.
Our collaborative project, funded by the European Innovation Council, is set to advance our cutting-edge breath diagnostics technology. By building a hand-held breath diagnostics device for non-invasive, real-time, at home patient monitoring complemented by an optimised workflow for seamless integration, we will offer an early warning system for impending lung attacks, striving to transform COPD patient care.
The EIC Pathfinder Challenge is designed to support breakthrough technologies that facilitate the transition from episodic to continuous patient care across Europe. We’re proud to be a part of this project and thank everyone who is helping us along the way.
Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this amazing journey to make a positive impact on respiratory health worldwide!
#BreathSense #Nell #LUMC #Sintef #KCL #uroboptics #RespiQ #EICPathfinder #EUeic #digitalhealth #healthcare #medtech #innovationinhealthcare #breathanalyses #COPD #respiratoryhealth